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Journal : Majalah Patologi Indonesia

Hubungan Ekspresi Top 2A dengan Karakteristik Histopatologi dan Status Reseptor Hormon pada Karsinoma Payudara Her-2 Positif Agustine Tinambunan; Henny Sulastri; Fifie Julianita; Erial Bahar
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 22 No 2 (2013): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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ABSTRAK Latar belakang Top 2A adalah enzim inti yang berperan penting pada replikasi DNA dan merupakan terapi target banyak agen kemoterapi. Pada karsinoma payudara ekspresinya berhubungan dengan proliferasi sel dan ekspresi berlebih protein HER-2, namun hubungan ekspresi keduanya dengan karakteristik histopatologi dan status reseptor hormon masih kontroversial. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara ekspresi Top 2A dengan karakteristik histopatologi yang merupakan faktor prognosis dan status reseptor hormon pada karsinoma payudara primer HER-2 positif. Metode Penelitian ini adalah penelitian retrospektif cross sectional. Tiga puluh sampel preparat karsinoma payudara HER-2 positif hasil biopsi, lumpektomi dan mastektomi diambil dari arsip di bagian Patologi Anatomik RSMH, dilakukan pulasan dengan antibodi Top 2A, diteliti hubungannya dengan derajat keganasan, invasi limfovaskular dan status reseptor hormon serta sebaran ekspresinya berdasarkan usia dan morfologi tumor. Enam belas sampel preparat hasil mastektomi diteliti untuk menilai hubungan antara ekspresi Top 2A dengan status kelenjar limfe dan ukuran tumor. Hasil Ekspresi Top 2A positif dijumpai 14 kasus (46,7%) seluruhnya dengan massa tumor berukuran lebih dari 2 cm, derajat keganasan tinggi (71,4%), invasi limfovaskuler (71,4%), status kelenjar limfe sebagian besar negatif (71,4%) dan hanya 50% dengan status reseptor hormon positif. Karsinoma payudara HER-2 positif dengan ekspresi berlebih Top 2A sebagian besar dengan morfologi karsinoma duktal invasif (71,4%) dan pada kategori usia 41-50 tahun (71,4%). Analisis hubungan ekspresi Top 2A dengan ukuran tumor, status kelenjar limfe, invasi limfovaskuler, derajat keganasan dan status reseptor hormon secara statistik tidak bermakna (p>0,05). Rasio Odds dengan status reseptor sebesar 0,26. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara ekspresi berlebih Top 2A dengan karakteristik usia kurang dari 50 tahun (p 2cm, and mostly with high degree of malignancy (71.4%), and with positive hormone receptor status (50%). Most of breast cancer with positive Top 2A are invasive ductal carcinoma (71.4%) and have age category 41-50 years old in 10 (71.4 %) cases. There are no significant correlation between Top 2A expression with tumour size, tumour grade, lympho-vascular invasion, lymph nodes status and hormone receptor status in HER-2 positif breast cancer. However, over-expression of Top 2A have a signifiant correlation with age category
Hubungan antara Ekspresi VEGF dan Karakteristik Kliniko-patologis pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Serviks Linda Fatrisia; Jusuf Fantoni; Ika Kartika; Erial Bahar
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 22 No 3 (2013): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

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ABSTRAK Latar belakang Kanker serviks masih menjadi masalah yang signifikan di seluruh dunia. Angiogenesis sangat berperan dalam hal progresivitas, invasi dan metastasis.Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) sebagai faktor angiogenik primer merupakan salah satu faktor prognostik karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks bila ekspresinya meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara ekspresi VEGF dan karakteristik klinikopatologis pada karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks. Metode Penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional. Lima puluh tiga sampel terdiri atas 40 jaringan hasil biopsi dan 13 histerektomi diambil dari arsip di bagian Patologi Anatomi RSMH, dilakukan pulasan dengan antibodi VEGF, diidentifikasi dan dianalisis hubungannya dengan stadium klinis, derajat keganasan histologi, invasi limfovaskular, status limfonodus, kedalaman invasi dan keterlibatan parametrium. Hasil Ekspresi VEGF positif pada karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks lebih banyak dijumpai pada kelompok usia >50 tahun, stadium IIIB dan IVA, derajat keganasan semakin buruk, invasi limfovaskular dan status limfonodus positif serta kedalaman invasi stroma hingga 2/3 bagian luar dan tanpa keterlibatan parametrium. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara ekspresi VEGF dengan kategori usia (p=0,038) dan korelasi yang kuat antara persentase positif ekspresi VEGF dengan usia (r=0,709) dan derajat keganasan (r=0,897). Namun, tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara ekspresi VEGF dengan karakteristik klinikopatologis (p>0,05). Kesimpulan VEGF belum dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prediktor progresivitas pada karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks Kata kunci : Karsinoma sel skuamosa serviks, VEGF, karakteristik klinikopatologis. ABSTRACT Background Cervical cancer remains a significant problem worldwide. The angiogenesis has an important role in the progression, invasion and metastasis. VEGF is a primary angiogenic factor that is one of the prognostic factor of cervical squamous cell carcinoma if the expression of VEGF increases. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the expression of VEGF and clinicopatological characteristics of the cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Methods It was a cross-sectional study. Fifty-three samples of biopsy and hysterectomy tissue were from the archives of the Anatomical Pathology Department of RSMH, stained with VEGF antibody, identified and analyzed the relation to clinical stage, histological grade, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node status, depth of invasion and parametrial involvement. Results The positive expression of VEGF in cervical squamous cell carcinoma was more common in the age group > 50 years, stage IIIB and IVA, the worse histological grade, the positive invasion lymphovascular and lymph nodes status, deep of stromal invasion up to the outside 2/3 and without parametrial involvement. There was a significant correlation between the expression of VEGF and the age category (p=0.038) and a strong correlation between the percentage of positive expression of VEGF andthe age range (r=0.709) and the histological grade (r=0.897). There was no significant correlation between the expression of VEGF and clinicopatologic characteristics (p>0.05). Conclusion VEGF can not be used as a progression predictor factorof thesquamous cell carcinoma. Key words : cervical squamous cell carcinoma, VEGF, clinicopathologic characteristics
Kepadatan CD8 di Lingkungan Mikrotumor pada Subtipe Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Indah Yunalda; Krisna Murt; Aida Farida; Ika Kartika; Erial Bahar
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 30 No 2 (2021): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.239 KB) | DOI: 10.55816/mpi.v30i2.466


BackgroundDiffuse Large B Cell Lymphomas (DLBCL) is divided into two subtypes, GCB and non-GCB, which are determined based on Hans'salgorithm. The GCB subtype has a better prognosis than non-GCB. Some studies indicate that the tumor progression wasinfluenced by tumor microenvironment, including CD8+ TILs located both surrounding tumor cells and peripheral. This study aims todetermine the density of CD8+ TILs in the tumor microenvironment of DLBCL subtypes.MethodsA Cross sectional study of 40 samples of DLBCL registered to Department of Anatomical Pathology Faculty of Medicine UniversitasSriwijaya/Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang Hospital from 1st October 2017 to 31st December 2018. All samples were stained usinganti-CD8 antibody, afterward, lymphocytes express CD8 were assessed both in surrounding tumor cells and peripheral. The densityof CD8 in each DLBCL subtype was analyzed statistically using Mann Whitney U Test.ResultsIn this study, non-GCB subtype was found higher in comparison to GCB subtype (72.5%) and the samples was dominated by youngages (75%). Significantly, peripheral CD8 density was higher than that of surrounding tumor cells, both in the GCB (p=0.003) andnon-GCB subtypes (p=0.000).ConclusionIn both subtypes, CD8 density is higher in peripheral than surrounding tumor cells and a high density in surrounding tumor cells willbe followed by an increase in peripheral CD8 density.
Perbandingan Ekspresi PD-L1 dan TILS pada Karsinoma Payudara Triple Negative dan HER2 Enriched Muhammad Asprianto; Krisna Murti; Citra Dewi; Erial Bahar
Majalah Patologi Indonesia Vol 30 No 3 (2021): MPI
Publisher : Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Indonesia (IAPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.729 KB) | DOI: 10.55816/mpi.v30i3.480


BackgroundTriple negative and positive HER 2 subtype breast carcinoma are aggressive subtype that have worst prognosis among othersubtype. High level of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is associated with longer disease free survival and overall survival.Breast cancer is also influenced by the presence of ligation between PD-1 and PD-L1, expressed by activated CD8+ T cells andtumor cells, consecutively. To analysed the comparison of PD-L1 expression levels in triple negative breast cancer and HER2enriched subtype.MethodsA cross sectional study was conducted with 35 samples, which were immunostained with an anti-PD-L1 antibody. TILs weremeasured on HE slides, and together with PD-L1 expression were calculated using image J. Clinicopathological data were obtainedfrom medical record. All data were analysed by SPSS V25.0ResultsA significant difference was observed between PD-L1 expression in HER2 enriched and triple negative samples, where the HER2enriched subtype had a possibility to express PD-L1 3.3 times higher than those of triple negative (p = 0.021; OR = 3.3). There wereno significant differences in clinopathological characteristics or TILs density in both subtypes. Likewise, no significant differenceswas found among PD-L1 expression, and intratumoral and stromal TILs expression.ConclusionMajority patient of both subtypes are mostly older than 40 years old, with positive LVI and higher histological grading. The HER2expression showed a higher level of PD-L1 than triple negative. There was no significant difference of TILs expression betweenthese two subtypes of breast cancer.